Attendance Procedures

Crooms Attendance Procedure

Regular school attendance has a direct impact on knowledge acquisition, meeting course goals/objectives and overall academic success.  Student absences, whether excused or unexcused, as well as student lateness, can lead to lower academic achievement levels and gaps in learning.  Seminole County School Board Policy 5200 and Florida Statute 1003.21 require that all students attend school regularly during the entire school term. Pursuant to Florida Statute 232.01, a high school student enrolled in Seminole County Public Schools who is under the age of 16, is required to attend school regularly during the entire term.  School teams are charged with monitoring and providing interventions to encourage regular school attendance.

If a student accumulates 5 absences within a 30-day period, reasons unknown, 10 absences within a 90-day period, reasons unknown, or 15 absences in a 90-day period, reasons unknown, the student, by law, is determined to be habitually truant.

For absences to have been rendered unexcused, this means that no documentation was submitted by the parent/guardian to excuse the absence, or the absence did not meet the SCPS criteria seen below for what constitutes an excused absence.  It is understood that on every occasion of sickness, a student will not require medical attention by a licensed health care professional or there may have been a family emergency.  Parents/Guardians are allowed to write a maximum of 10 excuse notes per school year (5 per semester).  

All notes (parent or medical) are to be submitted within 2 days of the student's return to school.  To upload notes (parent or medical) please CLICK HERE for linkage to the Crooms Attendance Note submission form.


What counts as an excused absence?

○ Personal illness of the student with a doctor’s note.

○ Court appearance of the student. (please provide proof)

○ Medical appointment of the student with a doctor’s note.

○ Approved school activity.

○ Extreme Weather or Natural Disaster.

○ Other absences with prior approval of the Principal or Designee.

○ Attendance at a center under Children and Families Services supervision.

○ Significant community events with prior permission of the Principal.

○ Religious instruction or religious holiday. (with prior written notice)

○ Death of a family member.

○ Appointments for a therapy service provided by a licensed health care practitioner with a note.

For more additional information on attendance concerns please contact the attendance office at 407-320-5760. 

Regardless of whether an absence is excused or unexcused, students are required to make up all coursework and assessments missed during the period of nonattendance.  To learn more about make up assignments see pg. 60 of the SCPS Student Progression Plan, CLICK HERE.

*Please Note: Crooms Academy of Information Technology reserves the right to re-evaluate all excused absences when absences become excessive* Excessive absences can result in a referral to the School Social Worker who is charged with monitoring and providing interventions to encourage regular school attendance. If you need support in removing barriers that are preventing your student from coming to school please contact Student Services 407-320-5754 and ask to speak with the School Social Worker.

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